Mark Twain

Famous author Mark Twain, ridin' the bus! Not the "Twain"...:)


Elvis has left the...subway? :)

Pauly D

Are you taking the train to the Jersey Shore? ;)

Brad Pitt from "Legends of the Fall"

Just takin' the train to work! :)

Dee Snider

The frontman of Twisted Sister, just hanging out!!!

Jonah Hill

I love Jonah Hill, and here he is, hanging out at the southern end of Central Park (NYC)!

Blake Griffin

The new King of Dunk, just chillin' on the train. This youngster is going to be good for years in the NBA!

Barbara Walters

It was either her or former First Lady Hillary Clinton. I didn't get a clean look.

Sharon Osbourne

The reality show star and wife of famed evilman Ozzy walking around Union Square!

Young Bob Costas

(Young) Bob Costas taking the train in the morning and reading the paper. Hey, where's the sports commentary? Haha, I am kidding.

The Hamburglar

In Florida, after catching a spring training baseball game...surprised no one has "caught" him yet! :)

Fred Durst

I did it all for the...subway? Yeah, that's Fred Durst waiting for a NYC subway!


Toto, riding the train in Manhattan. I guess he is really not in Kansas anymore. :)