The lead singer of The Strokes and solo artist himself! I know you might be thinking, "But isn't that Beck?" I thought the same thing..but it is Julian Casablancas. Whoa!
The 7th President of the United States of America, riding the 6 train uptown. Hey Andrew, don't you have a country to lead?, just kidding - he is dead.
Wow..Mr. Paparazzi almost got caught on this one! Actually, I'm pretty sure Meloni was aware he was being photographed..but he's probably used to it! He's on Law & Order all the time. Golly..well, at least he has a puffy black coat on!
This one was tough to shoot, mostly because the people whom I was with stopped and stared at him as I snapped a photo..anyways, I got "The Kroeg" as he was sitting down to a late night bite to eat with a lady friend. Ooooh, gossip alert!!! :P
The lighting was rather dim - I wish I could've snapped a better shot - but this is the stand up comedian Brian Posehn as he entered the restaurant Ruby Foo's in Times Square.
This child actor, seen here, made a name for himself in 1993 while portraying Dennis The Mennis in a hit movie featuring the late Walter Matthau. It appears he is still up to his usual shenanigans while riding the 4/5 train downtown!
Yes, Ben Shalom Bernanke is his full name. Don't believe me? Look it up on Wikipedia. Anyways, this is the "Fed Head" himeself, just chillin' and checkin' out some new books at Barnes & Noble. What are you reading, Ben? A book on finance or the economy!? LOL..probably..
Though I mainly know her from her role as Lucille Ostero on Arrested Development, I know she has a long history in theater or broadway or something in New York City..anyways, here she is outside of a grocery store! Hey Liza, whatcha doin'? Ha ha ha.
Here is Steven Wright, selling fruit. If you are not sure who he is, here is a picture. Though this could also be a clown without his (or her) makeup on, I think it is Steven Wright. I am about 67% sure that this is actually Mr. Wright.
In what might end up being the least accurate celebrity sighting in this blog, here is Bradley Whitford - star of the West Wing and the antagonist in the 1995 hit comedy movie Billy Madison!
The famous naturalist and philosopher, hanging out at a Panera Bread in San Antonio, TX. I bet he got a healthy sandwich there..survival of the fittest! :) !!! (Photo courtesy of Mr. Mark Russell)
Whichever individual it is - Ron or Stan, if there is a difference between them anyways - he seems to be enjoying a nice read! Maybe he's reading up on basketball strategies..or maybe about something naughty! LOL. (Photo courtesy of Mr. Patrick Nguyen)
He even has his own homepage. This pioneer of popularizing integrative medicine was just ridin' the subway. Here's a pic of him if you don't believe me: Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.
A.K.A. Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu (her birthname, duh!), just walkin' down 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. Looks like she's taking a break from traveling to assist and minister to the hungry in Ethiopia, radiation victims at Chernobyl, and earthquake victims in Armenia. Well..I guess I'll let this little break from charitable work slide! Ha ha ha.
Charlie Weis with his signature high-pants-tucked-around-an-amorphous-waistline. Hey Charlie, I hope that was Diet Coke you just got from that Subway soda fountain!!!
This "Ruff Ryder" was taking a break from barkin' into the mike ("microphone") and eating a cheeseburger cooked medium well in Bryant Park. D-M-X and my dogs bite -- burgers!
I just read on Wikipedia that he allegedly passed away August 10, 2008. This photograph just goes to show how Wikipedia is an unreliable source of information and should not be cited as a source in college research papers.
Carmelo Anthony - one of my favorite basketball players and alumnus of Syracuse University - riding the subway in NYC. I guess it is true what they say about the NBA offseason: It's a good time to ride the trains in New York.
Also, 'Melo appeared a lot more Hispanic in person. Anyways, get ready for the '09'-'10 season, 'Melo!
Martin Van Buren - alive AND mid-bite at an 86th Street Dunkin' Donuts. Notice the burns/mutton chops. America (and a former president!) runs on Dunkin'! Ha ha. Just kidding.
Either it's the fictional protagonist from American author Washington Irving's 1819 short story, or it's a dead old man! I hope it's the former, because the latter would be quite unfortunate. Golly. Oh well..wake up, Rip, wake up!
Okay, okay - wait just a minute. I know what you're thinking: "That doesn't look like B.O.!" You have a point. But it's because he was trying to mask his identity. The hat pulled down over his face, the dark clothing. I mean, if I were the President of the United States and I was in a bodega just chilling, I'd want to conceal my identity as well.
He was talking about adding 10-15 lbs. this offseason. Um..looks like you did the opposite AP..times 100! Wow. Nah, I'm sure he'll be fine for the season